I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw Lauren McDuffie’s photo of the wildflower and arugula salad on her blog, Harvest and Honey (see below!). It looks delicious and those edible flowers on top make it downright fairytale-like. It also...
Growing up near Boston, seafood was a regular part of my family’s dinner menu. One thing I love about this shrimp salad recipe is that the cooked marinade on the shrimp combines with the...
This blueberry salad combines two of my favorite fruits, blueberries and red grapes. I love the way their sweet flavors mix with the tangy feta cheese and the spicy red onion.I also love that the dressing...
I love strawberry salad--especially strawberry salad recipes that mix lettuce with fruit -- and this one with romaine lettuce is among my favorites. The combination of dried cranberries and fresh strawberries is sweet as summer. The...